Drink Milk for Stronger Bones

Our bones starts to break down by the age of 25. We are held back from living life to the fullest if we don't have healthy bones! So here are three simple tips for you to keep your bones healthy.
1. Have a diet high in calcium and Vitamin D! You need calcium to help build strong bones, and you need Vitamin D for the calcium to be absorbed in your body. An easy way to do this is to drink two glasses of milk everyday. 2 glasses give you 100% of the calcium and Vitamin D that you need for the day, so that you can fight osteoporosis.
2. Be physically active everyday. Physical activity contributes to bone health, and improves balance, muscle strength, and coordination. Adults need at least 30 minutes a day of exercise to be fit and healthy.
3. Live a healthy lifestyle. Avoid smoking and limit your alcohol intake because these habits reduce your bone mass, and increase your risk of getting fractured or broken bones.