Signs you are a needy girlfriend
So you’ve followed all our dating advice and successfully snagged a new boyfriend. Now let’s work on helping you keep him.
Sure, you’ve finally gotten him to commit, but that doesn’t mean he has to be glued to you the entire time. Nothing turns a guy off more than a girlfriend who comes off as too needy.
A Cosmopolitan article reprinted by Yahoo! lists four ways you may be stifling your man with over-dependence.
1. You seek his approval for everything.
Sure, it builds a sense of trust and confidence when you consult him about major decisions such as leaving your job, but when you ask for his permission on even the most trivial things such as a pair of shoes you’d like to buy, that may be overdoing it.
2. You can’t have fun without him around.
Your man needs his alone time and time with the boys; don’t deprive him of it just because you’ll feel bad not spending every waking moment with him. Similarly, he’ll love it if you also make time for doing your own thing and spend time with your girlfriends.
3. You overanalyze his words and actions.
Just because he forgot to say he loves you one night doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel that way anymore. When it comes to men, it’s usually best to take things at face value; more often than not, there’s no hidden message or other meaning to the things they do or say. That’s more of our style, girls.
4. You are too clingy.
You may be used to his being near you, but don’t throw a fit the moment he stops holding your hand or wrapping his arms around you. You don’t always have to be glued to the hip everywhere you go. And wouldn’t it be more exciting to keep your hands off each other until you’re finally alone?
Sure, you’ve finally gotten him to commit, but that doesn’t mean he has to be glued to you the entire time. Nothing turns a guy off more than a girlfriend who comes off as too needy.
A Cosmopolitan article reprinted by Yahoo! lists four ways you may be stifling your man with over-dependence.
1. You seek his approval for everything.
Sure, it builds a sense of trust and confidence when you consult him about major decisions such as leaving your job, but when you ask for his permission on even the most trivial things such as a pair of shoes you’d like to buy, that may be overdoing it.
2. You can’t have fun without him around.
Your man needs his alone time and time with the boys; don’t deprive him of it just because you’ll feel bad not spending every waking moment with him. Similarly, he’ll love it if you also make time for doing your own thing and spend time with your girlfriends.
3. You overanalyze his words and actions.
Just because he forgot to say he loves you one night doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel that way anymore. When it comes to men, it’s usually best to take things at face value; more often than not, there’s no hidden message or other meaning to the things they do or say. That’s more of our style, girls.
4. You are too clingy.
You may be used to his being near you, but don’t throw a fit the moment he stops holding your hand or wrapping his arms around you. You don’t always have to be glued to the hip everywhere you go. And wouldn’t it be more exciting to keep your hands off each other until you’re finally alone?